How God Makes Men

by Patrick Morley

This book utilizes ten men in the Bible to help show promise for our lives if we are patient enough to wait on God. God has an entirely different way of looking at time than we do. As Peter said, “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day (2 Peter 3:8). In earth time, Jesus died over two thousand years ago. But in Bible Time it was only day before yesterday. Bible Time is elastic. Thinking in Bible Time will give you an eternal perspective and help you manage expectations. Have you ever made a huge decision without God and it turn sour? I know I have more times than I would like to think. I know patience is a hard virtue to obtain. I have had my trouble with wanting to do things too fast before God was wanting me too. But, God don’t want us to give up waiting on Him. He wants us to be like Abraham. Abraham waited many years before Issac was born. We must reset our clock and don’t give up on His answer. Once we embrace Bible Time as the norm, it will take a lot of the pressure away from our lives. As we read, how God used people like Joseph, Moses, Peter, and Paul there is no reason to think God is not wanting to use us in similar ways. I encourage you to be patient, study your Bible, and pray. God will answer!

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