by John Hagee
This book gives an account of the end of times based on the Books of Daniel and Revelation. It is a very good book in the way it lays out how and what Christians and non-Christians should expect when Jesus returns. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn more on how everything ultimately ends.
What God does in time, He planned from eternity. And what He planned in eternity, He carries out in time. God sent Israel into captivity because His character does not change. He always judges sin. This is a message America needs to hear. If God crushed Israel He will do the same to America. For instance, He sent Israel into Babylonian captivity because of their godless lifestyle. God will judge America for our slaughter of unborn children in America’s abortion mills and for the official endorsement from the White House to the church house of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. We are no longer “One nation under God.” We have ridiculed the Word, worshiped other gods like money and people, rewarded laziness with welfare, neglected disciplining our children and polluted the air with profanity and pornography. We have to change and develop calluses on our knees from prayer to bring this nation and world to conviction. It starts with you and I.
Great synopsis, we are studying Daniel in Sunday school and I am learning so much. Scary but reassuring that God has a plan for believers when he returns, and a firm reminder that America is not above judgment. Prayer is the only answer. It is not a political party that will change the direction of America. It is a return to the one true God and serving him, while loving our neighbor ( even our enemies, which isn’t always easy) as ourselves. I love you brother. Praying for you and Amy.