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The Bait of Satan
by John Bevere Many are unable to function properly in their calling because of the wounds and hurts that offenses have caused in their lives. These offenses handicap us from our full potential. The possibilities...
captured by grace
Captured by Grace
Pastor David Jeremiah is the author. He utilizes Paul’s struggles and John Newton’s (author of Amazing Grace) struggles in life to explain grace. What does grace mean? It is the unmerited favor...
Driven by Eternity
by John Bevere Eternity. What is it? How can we understand it? The truth is that eternity cannot be mentally comprehended. Our minds are finite, prohibited from grasping perpetual or everlasting concepts....
A Life for God
by Rabbi Greg Hershberg Every human being is looking for eternity; we are looking for love. We want to be loved and affirmed and cared for, and we want the security and protection that goes along with...