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The Making of a Man of God
by Alan Redpath This book gives life lessons as looking through the lense of David, and is great for anyone who enjoys reading about King David’s struggles and triumphs. Whenever God’s presence...
Daniel to Doomsday
by John Hagee This book gives an account of the end of times based on the Books of Daniel and Revelation. It is a very good book in the way it lays out how and what Christians and non-Christians should...
Jerusalem Countdown
by Pastor John Hagee This book reminds us of how we need to stand up for and beside Israel. It reiterates how Iran is the command post for global Islamic terror. And, how they intend to join the nuclear...
Lead Like Jesus
The book was written by Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges, and Phyliss Hendry. This book gives great insight on how Jesus lead His disciples which serves as a great model for us for our family or business. There...