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In A Boat In THE Middle of The Lake
by Patrick and Ruth Schwenk In the Bible, the disciples were scared when they were in the boat when a storm erupted while Jesus slept. Much like we are when trials hit our life. I am telling you, Jesus,...
I Will
by Thom Rainer This book outlines the traits an outwardly focused Christian should have in regards to church. Do you put your needs first in church? Does the singing have to be a certain way for you? Can...
Because Of Bethlehem
by Max Lucado Have you ever pondered about how much God understands us? The struggles to pay bills, to see estranged family, or be disappointed your life has not turned out the way you envisioned. God...
The End
by Mark Hitchcock This has to be the most in-depth book I have ever read about the Apocalypse. I really enjoyed this book. Bible prophecy is important because it tells us the end of the story. It reveals...