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A Prosperous Soul

  1. Why did I read the book? The book is written by Greg Mohr. It was lent to me by a guy in my Bible Study class. I thought the book would also shine a better understanding on what it is like to have a healthy life filled with prosperity.
  2. What did I learn form this book? One of the things I learned was the enemy uses the “pile-up” method to attempt to move us off our assigned place in the kingdom. We keep pushing ourselves in many directions and we allow these things to take God;s place. I learned our soul must rest in order to prosper just like our body does for good health. We allow pressures, stress, and anxiety to dictate our lives. These things lead to burnout, exhaustion and depression. Jesus wants access to every area of our soul so He can heal it and align it with out spirit. When was the last time you opened the gates and doors of your soul to Him? Our focus is pinpointed toward the way instead of the Waymaker! We must allow the relevation of His Word and Jesus’ healing touch to bring wholeness to our souls so our heart is one. I remember when I was in the workplace my souls was not aligned with my spirit. Though I had money, it became a source of strive instead of a blessing. Once I surrendered my soul I could feel my spirit again. Even though money has been tight God has came through for us. The thing most people don’t think about is God always knows if our soul and spirit are aligned. Isn’t it funny when we fail, mess up, or say the wrong thing it seems to give the enemy a foothold to hinder the fulfillment of God’s adequacy and blessings in our lives. The book also speaks about withholding forgiveness. Many people say, “I am not going to forgive them until they apologize.” Good luck you may never received your apology. However, when you choose to release the person who wronged you, it releases you and removes the log of judgment from your soul blocking the life flow from your spirit. Moreover, it removes the bitterness from your own heart. You will never be truly free holding on to your hurt and pain. Freedom in your soul from unforgiveness, bitterness, and judgments comes by choosing to value the CROSS greater than your pain and loss. Because it is not possible to walk in the truth until you first value it. Sometimes you need to talk to your soul and tell it what to do, where to focus, and how things really are based on the truth. anchor your should by placing your hope and trust in Him alone. God did not make a mistake when He created us. Regardless of who may have devalued you in the past, your true worth is found in the price Jesus paid for you.
  3. How will this book contribute to my success upon release? I will need to continue to believe God isn’t going to forsake me no matter how hard times get. The devil will want to pile everything on you. But only through dedicated prayer can my life be changed.

3 thoughts on “A Prosperous Soul”

  1. I used to teach children’s church at the church I helped build on the beach here. I talked to them about talking to yourself, to your soul and listening to that little voice in your head that some call a conscious, but I like to call your soul. That soul is not just God’s teachings speaking to us, but the things our parents tried to instill in us, the things and traits we learned from our good friends and so many other people.

    Once I had a small boy tell me, “When I pray, God doesn’t talk back me. Why is that? He could if he wanted to couldn’t he?” I told him, we think children learn to listen before they learn how to talk, and that is true. But as people, even grown ups, sometimes we don’t comprehend or know how to correctly hear what God is telling us when he does talk to us. Through learning and growing, we have to comprehend that God has already communicated with us and placed those words in our minds or hearts. It is our job to listen there for them, not in our ears, but in our hearts, minds and souls.

    So yes, you can talk to soul, but you can also listen and that may be the biggest key to walking with God even closer.

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