Something Greater

by Jentezen Franklin

Everyone hates challenges, trials, or problems in life. We must realize God has a plan in place to bring victory out of our situation. This is why we don’t quit. We don’t give up. We will not understand everything we are going through in the moment. We may not even have answers. But, unless we persevere through the hardships, we will never receive the gifts or the blessings God will bring forth through them. We may not never understand why these things but God promises that all things work together for them that love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). The truth of the matter is there is nothing that has been done to you that God cannot make work out for you if you put in in His hands. I encourage you to persevere and fight that voice in your head constantly telling you to give up. Trying to convince you that you won’t make it, pushing you to quit. I know I have heard this voice a lot. I work through it with continuous prayer and knowing that with God everything is possible. When you situation is not what you expected or what you wanted, whatever the pain, whatever the tears, heartache, stand firm in your faith, and trust God’s love.

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