House of Medici

The book was written by Captivating History. The Medici family of Florence, Italy had humble farming roots, but through hard work and incredible business and political acumen, they rose to heights of power and gained riches and influence that was rare to find. They were bankers, power brokers, patrons of the arts, archbishops, cardinals, and popes. They were perhaps the most influential family of 15th century Europe. The Medici were the patrons of some of the most towering figures of Renaissance and art history, such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Donatello. The family was known as the “Godfathers of the Renaissance.: They bankrolled, protected, and promoted some of the greatest minds of this time which included Galileo. They were the richest people in Europe during this time. They survived assignations, wars, and religious revolutions. In fact Pope Leo X was a Medici and he is credited for indirectly causing the Protestant Reformation. Also, Leo X was the one who started selling indulgences to make more money for the Catholic Church. These were sold to alleviate the number of years one my stay in purgatory or if they gave enough they could be given a ticket straight to Heaven. The best way I could sum up this family is being our modern day mafia. They doled out money, favors, and made alliances in efforts to promote their family.

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