He Chose The Nails

by Max Lucado

This book exemplifies everything Jesus did for you and me at the cross. Jesus wasn’t alone at the cross. There were two thieves with him. Think about the thief that repented. We don’t know a lot about him. we know he made some mistakes in life. He chose the wrong crowd, the wrong morals, and the wrong behavior. But can we consider his life a waste? Is he spending eternity reaping the benefits of his bad choices? No, just the opposite. He is enjoying the fruits of making one last choice. We make bad choices in life. God knows I have made a lot of them. But, they were made while I was not close to Him like I should have been. We can make up for all those bad choices by choosing the One who died on the cross for me and you. Those bad decisions and bad attitudes are dangling at the cross for everyone to see. The good thing is they can’t read them. Why? Because they are covered by the blood of Jesus. I want to urge you to leave everything at the cross. Because until you leave something there, you haven’t embraced the cross. God does more than forgive our mistakes He removes them. We simply have to take them to Him and submit. What is stopping you today?

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