When Christ Comes

by Max Lucado

“Have you given it much thought? What will you think when Christ comes?” Think about it, you may be driving down the road, eating supper, walking the dog, or just lying in bed. The next thing you see is the skies opening and the trumpets blasting. “Are you ready?” If you are a follower of Christ or not you will be summoned. All eyes will be fixated on Jesus Christ. I suggest while there is time you get your life right. Look at the gifts He has given you. He has sent angels to care for you, His Holy Spirit to dwell in you, His church to encourage you, and His Word to guide you. Anytime you speak, He listens; make a request and He responds. He will never let you be tempted too much or stumble too far. And when a tear appears on your check, He will be there to wipe it away. As much as your heart desires to see Him, He wants to see you more. He is building a house for you. You have been chosen by Christ. You are released from your old life and He has claimed you as His beloved. “Then, Where is he, right?” There is only one answer. His bride is not ready. I encourage you to be excited about your wedding date. Guard against forgetfulness. “Aim at what is in Heaven….Jesus?”

1 thought on “When Christ Comes”

  1. We will not know the time. It says he will come like a thief in the night. We’d better be ready all the time, not just when it’s convenient for us.

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