Twelve Extraordinary Women

by John MacArthur

This book outlines the lives of twelve women who exemplified godliness from Mary, Jesus’ mother, to the Samaritan woman. It serves as a reminder to me that mothers are the makers of men and the architect of the next generation. Contrary to popular opinion, the most important characteristic of a godly mother is not her relationship with her children because that is a bond that cannot be broken. But, it is her love for her husband. The love between husband and wife is the real key to a thriving family. A healthy home environment cannot be built with the children as the primary focus. The family must have a solid marriage as the foundation. What the parents teach their children is what becomes deeply planted within their hearts and minds. These traits are what builds character in the children. If the twelve women in this book taught me anything, it was to center my life around faith and Christ. I have been blessed to have an extraordinary woman in my life. She is loyal, loving, and God fearing. It was like she was tailor-made for me. I don’t know where I would be without her. Her love for Christ, me, our children, and our home are true priorities in her life. In my mind, she exemplifies what a Godly wife and mother should be. I love her so much.

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