The Power of the Holy Spirit’s Names

by Tony Evans

This book is an in-depth look at the third member of the Trinity. Like a newspaper, in the Old Testament God the Father is on the front page. His voice is the one we hear the most and His actions we see carried out the most. In the Gospels, Jesus is the front page news. He is the superstar. Yet from the Book of Acts onward, the Holy Spirit headlines. He’s the one we get to know the most as He works with people and the early church to take the power of God, the person of Christ, and the priority of the gospel to the world.

Transitions are hard, and Jesus knowing He was going to be absent and it would present a challenge to the disciples. When He was telling them about the Holy Spirit He was softening the transition ahead of time. He told them in His absence God would send Someone of the same essence. Jesus stated in John 14:18, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” The Holy Spirit’s role from that point forward was to act on Jesus’ behalf just like Jesus acted on behalf of the Father when He walked the earth. Essentially, the Holy Spirit was sent to carry out the will of the Father and the Son among people who are saved. The Holy Spirit by your side, like a partner or a companion. Not only that, but He’s in you. You can’t live fully in the Spirit while also living fully in sin. Certain conditions are necessary for the Holy Spirit to make His home in you, offering you peace and presence you desire. We can alienate the Holy Spirit through our choices, our thoughts, words, and actions. grieving the Holy Spirit with us. When the Holy Spirit is unhappy with you, how are you to be happy? We belong to Jesus, and He has a good plan for our lives. But the only way we will experience this plan is when we allow the Holy Spirit to fully express Himself inside our lives. Instead of being stubborn and leaning into our own understanding, we are to look to Him, listen to Him, and go where He leads us.

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