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Driven by Eternity
by John Bevere Eternity. What is it? How can we understand it? The truth is that eternity cannot be mentally comprehended. Our minds are finite, prohibited from grasping perpetual or everlasting concepts....
A Life for God
by Rabbi Greg Hershberg Every human being is looking for eternity; we are looking for love. We want to be loved and affirmed and cared for, and we want the security and protection that goes along with...
Battlefield of the Mind
by Joyce Meyer If you want to have a good prayer life, develop a personal relationship with God. Know that He loves you, that He is full of mercy, and that He will help you. On the other hand, Satan takes...
Watchman Nee Collection
The Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit, Let Us Pray, and God’s Work What did I learn from the book? In order for a man to do work for God, his inner man must be released. The...