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I Could Be Wrong But I Doubt It
by Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty Clan The book is written by the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty Clan, Phil Robertson. He writes in a very understandable way. He uses a lot of common...
Twelve Extraordinary Women
by John MacArthur This book outlines the lives of twelve women who exemplified godliness from Mary, Jesus’ mother, to the Samaritan woman. It serves as a reminder to me that mothers are the makers...
The Making of a Man of God
by Alan Redpath This book gives life lessons as looking through the lense of David, and is great for anyone who enjoys reading about King David’s struggles and triumphs. Whenever God’s presence...
Daniel to Doomsday
by John Hagee This book gives an account of the end of times based on the Books of Daniel and Revelation. It is a very good book in the way it lays out how and what Christians and non-Christians should...