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Wandering Sheep
I grew up a Baptist and as the years have passed, I have learned a lot about other religions.  By no means do I claim one religion is better than the other.  But I feel the Catholics have figured...
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I’m Not The Center Of The Universe
Our problem center is in our mind.  We tell ourselves things that sometimes just aren’t true.  Other times we tend to beat our chest and think we are the bomb.  When I was drinking, I had...
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Light in the Shadows
Yesterday was one of my worst days in a very long time.  I had to participate in an evidentiary hearing where the defense wanted to make me look horrible to the courts and everyone in attendance.  I have...
Michael W inmates to entepreneurs certification
Inmates to Entrepreneurs
Every year, over 600,000 people will leave prison and attempt to rejoin their neighbors as productive members of society. Despite seeking employment at rates higher than the general population, formerly...