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I recently met with my pastor over my legal troubles and some of the fallout that had hurt others. We had a great conversation and I genuinely felt better. In the process of telling the government everything...
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Spiritual Warfare Is Real
I have been pondering about writing on the topic of spiritual warfare. A driving factor in sharing with you today is that the topic was used against me recently. I had to testify in a case and the defendant’s...
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Waiting On God
As I began writing this article, I have been sitting inside the Federal Courthouse waiting to testify in a bribery case.  This is something I really don’t want to be a part of right now.  But I am...
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A Healthy Heart
The Bible speaks a lot about the heart.  The heart is the one organ God is after.  It is the essence of our soul. Anyone can say I love the Lord, but do you love him with your heart? I know at times I...