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Why did I read this book? It was recommended to me by a friend. What did I learn from this book? The text seems stern at first. For example, “Except you repent, you will all likewise perish.”...
Heroes of History --Billy Graham
Why did I read the book? It was a book I found in the chapel library. I always wanted to know more about Billy Graham so I decided to read it. It was a great book. What did I learn from the book? I didn’t...
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Twelve Ordinary Men
Why I read this book? My study Bible is a MacArthur Bible. So, I saw his book he had written and I decided to read it. What did I learn from reading this book? I got a better understanding of what kind...
A Typical Day
A lot of people want to know what a typical day is like for me. Well, the lights come on at 6 am. They call breakfast about 6:30 am. I typically skip breakfast because it is almost always oatmeal, a piece...