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I have been thinking a lot about the friends I have had throughout my life. I have categorized them into three different relationships. Those are For-A-Reason, Seasonal, and Lifetime. For-A-Reason When...
walking wisely
Walking Wisely
Why did I read this book? It was a book written by Charles Stanley. I found it while browsing the library. I have always liked listening to Mr. Stanley. What did I learn? Wisdom is the capacity to see...
The Way to God
Why did I read the book? It was a book I found in the library. It was written by Dwight Moody who was born in 1837. He was a popular evangelist in the 19th century. It is estimated in his lifetime, without...
Spotlight on a black background (100% real photo)
Why did I read this book? It was a book I found in the religious section of the library. It is written by Jack Graham. What did I learn? CS Lewis wrote, “You never know how much you really believe...