Be Loyal

Be Loyal — The Book of Matthew

  1. Why did I read this book? The book was written by Warren Wiersbe. It was a gift from my cousin, Jon.
  2. What did I learn from this book? This book is ideal for anyone wanting to dig deeper into the Book of Matthew. The book contains a lot of historic and bonus information that helps you interpret what the Book of Matthew is trying to convey to you. It breaks the information down primarily by chapter and gives plenty of cross references to other parts of the Bible. I
  3. How will I use this book in the future? It adds to my understanding of the New Testament and the events that occurred. I hope to read some more of Dr. Wiersbe’s books. I would encourage anyone wanting to learn more to pick up this book.

2 thoughts on “Be Loyal”

  1. Loyalty can never be overdone. It’s a two-way street. As God is loyal to us without fault, so should we be to him. Sometimes we lose a bit of that loyalty when we feel our prayers are not being answered. But we aren’t wise enough to know that the answer may be no, or not now. God does answer our prayers, sometimes we just don’t like the answer.

    I’ve been so busy these last months/ weeks racing from one place to another all over Greece, Turkey and Italy that I’ve not made time to be loyal and communicate with friends who I care about. I hope they forgive me and I’ll get caught up at some point.


  2. Hey cuz hope and pray that you are doing good Love you and your family so very much and I’m praying for you hope you hear some good news soon and hopefully you will get it love you and remember that I’m praying for you always

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